Friday, July 24, 2009


Learn Backhand Clear In Badminton - Click here for the most popular videos

The high backhand clear is one of the most difficult shots in badminton. The above video shows you in step-by-step frame how to execute the shot. Take note of the following:

1. It is important to get into position properly and early.

2. Remember to shift to your backhand grip.

3. Take note of your hitting zone (where the birdie is hit in relation to your body), which should be on the right side of your body and should not be far away from your racquet arm shoulder.

4. As you raise your racquet to hit the birdie the elbow should lead your arm, to be followed by the whipping or rebound action of the forearm and wrist.

5. Do the shot in a relaxed manner; don't tense your muscles so your arm movement will be swift and snappy.

6. Of course timing is important.

7. Finally, after the shot don't stay in that position, but rather immediately get back to the center and get ready for the next shot.

8. Oh one more. Don't get into the habit of hitting backhand every time; remember the advise of badminton sages, "the best backhand is no backhand at all." It simply means that if you can avoid it, do it by getting into position early to be able to deliver a forehand shot, which is concededly more powerful and easier than the backhand. Do the backhand only when it is difficult to take a forehand shot. But then again, if your backhand is as powerful as Taufik Hidayat, you'd have no problem about it.

1 comment:

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