Who said only in basketball do we see players flying off the court? In this picture Lin Dan, 1997 Olympics gold medalist for men's singles event, executing a high jump smash. The jump smash is usually done when smashing from the rear part of the court to give a player more stiffness to the smash, which cannot normally be accomplished due to the distance from the net. Although I have seen beginners do jump smashes in midcourt or even in forecourt! To me this is waste of precious energy because a normal smash, given your proximity to the net, could accomplish the same thing, and with even greater accuracy as a jump smash requires perfect timing to do.
Anyway, if you have the strength to do this highly advanced shot, I suggest you check out this link involving a demonstration of the jump smash by Danish player Peter Rasmussen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12Xe5Qtrq90.
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